Friday, December 18, 2009


I miss you tonight. I was thinking about the first time I really looked at your Face Book profile.. sometime after you had invited me. I remember the pictures of you fighting with your brother, with charlie on the river, you lying in your fatigues somewhere in the desert. w/ your cool sunglasses on.... I remember the way we were just friends.. there. About a year before we met I remember when you told me you couldn't be with a girl, and i asked you "Why?" You said that you had issues, that no girl would ever want to deal with, and you wouldn't tell me why. After that "texting" conversation we didn't talk for quite a while. I remember I had texted you a couple times just saying HI! when I was bored.. and some other guy answering saying.. this isn't him. Then one day getting on fb at Stephen's and you popping up on the chat, and I yelled at you cuz of that, and asked you for your new number. You were so funny and sweet. I never thought twice about any of these times, never thought that we'd ever meet, or that you might want to date me sometime, or that we'd be where we are now. I miss that comeraderie that we had, not really knowing anything of the other, but somehow... friends. If I had known I would be here.. then. I would have been stubborn, and refused to meet you. Just to have kept that "friendship" longer, just cuz it was so fun. It has always been on the edge of my mind, but tonight it really clicked. If you wanted to talk to me. You would be like you used to be, and call or text me out of the blue. If you wanted to email me, there would be emails in my inbox.. from you. If you wanted to be here. This is where you'd be.

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