Friday, April 2, 2010


Its a struggle... every day.... I hate diets, but this was the longest stretch that I had done the best on any diet, as long as I can remember. I'd done my diet pretty faithfully for over a month before getting down and giving up for about 6 days. I truly feel better when I am doing the diet! I have kept up on taking all the vitamin supplements that were advised for me, which is good too, but I know, still... the vitamins without the diet, just don't do the full job! I was taking Magnesium, only to find out that it was the wrong kind!! So I switched to the right kind, I was taking a Metagenics multivitamin, and it seemed to help, it had mostly the right kindof vitamins in it, then my mom mentioned that you are supposed to take 6 of those horse pills a day!! YIKES!!! lol!! There was no way.. thinking about it I decided that it would be cheaper to just buy the things that I needed the most, and take them all seperate. So mom came home from her class one night, she has mentioned many many times that I must have a low thyroid, so I should maybe be taking Iodine, she learned how to do this patch test with Iron Tincture that would tell if I needed it or not, if the patch is off ur skin within 16 hours, it shows that you are low in Iodine, therefore showing that your Thyroid is not working properly. So having done the test, and shown that she was right, the patch was gone within a few hours... I went to the Health food store to get Iodine, but its not regular Iodine, its a special kind.. I started with 1/2 pill every other day, and now I have worked up to 1 full pill every day. Then I realized that the Selenium I get in the multivitamin is not enough for taking Iodine, when you take Iodine you have to take at least 200 mcg a day. So I went back to the health food store and bought Selenium, and now I take 2 of those a day. Mom says that I was grumpy because I needed B12, and other B vitamins.. so I started taking my B vitamin complex.. BUT... the only place you can find the right kind of B12 vitamins around here.. is.. at Zales.. again, that Pharmacy in Warsaw. So, back I went, to get a B12 pill, the other kinds of B vitamins in the Complex were the right kinds!! But not the B12.. ha.. what a joke! So I have been taking Fish Oil, but it HAS to be a special kind, not just any fish oil will do the job correctly! lol, So.... we go to the Health food store for that too!! Well, another vitamin that she learned about, that is very important and ppl don't know much about.. is.... Vitamin D!! Hum.. How does one know if he/she is low on Vitamin D??? Well, one of the symtoms can be depression... BUT the only way to know for sure is to get a blood test done... so for the first time in my life I went with my mom to the Wellness Center where they do periodical VD tests, and had blood drawn. Yep.... a good number for VD is about 80-90, mine is at about 25, and my mom's was even worse.. at about 15! :S... so.... mom called the Dr right away, and faxed her the paper work, and had her perscribe vitamin D to us. The only thing was... once she talked to the lady teaching this class, the vitamin D that was perscribed doesn't absorb well, even though we were perscribed 50,000 mg 2 times a week!!! it is D2, and the kind you REALLY need is a D3.. Yikes!! She said that Dr's don't really research so much about the different vitamins that are the BEST for you usually. So.. I guess today I am going to stop at Zales again.. and try to find the correct kind of Vitamin D. Wow... but! One thing is for sure, I have been almost 100% happier since I started taking these things and trying to eat healthy!! Which, if my Thyroid, V B12, and V D were all really low.... and now they are working better, that could be a HUGE reason why! Mom tells me that I seem like a totally different person now, than what I was before, and that I am much more emotionally stable than I was.. I can tell, and I am so thankful to you Lord for helping mom and I be healthier!! I pray that you will continue to be our strength to continue!! IJN, Amen

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